Enhancing Digital Compliance and Analytics:
Migrating from Universal to GA4 and Implementing a Cookie Management System with Consent Mode V2 for The Sole Supplier

Company Background

The Sole Supplier (TSS) is a prominent player in the e-commerce industry, catering primarily to sneaker enthusiasts. Their platform acts as a marketplace, providing users with up-to-date information on the latest sneaker releases, pricing, and availability across various retailers. As a growing business in a competitive market, TSS faces the ongoing challenge of maintaining robust and compliant analytics, especially in the face of rapid technological changes and regulatory demands.

Challenges Faced

Before engaging with PDD, TSS had several significant challenges:

  • GA4 Integration: Transitioning from Universal Analytics (UA) to Google Analytics 4 (GA4) was a daunting task. Although the team was proficient in UA, they found GA4 challenging, particularly in setting up custom reports and tracking affiliate links.
  • Analytics Compliance: The company’s existing CMP (Consent Management Platform) wasn’t as GDPR-compliant as they wanted, led to risks and data loss
  • Budget Concerns: As a smaller business, TSS needed to be cautious with their budget, especially during the economic downturn where they had already experienced a drop in revenue.

Decision-Making Process

TSS chose PDD’s services primarily based on a recommendation from a trusted figure known to the organisation. The decision was reinforced by PDD’s ability to understand TSS’s unique business model, particularly the complexities of managing both affiliate tracking and marketplace dynamics. The reassurance provided by PDD, combined with a flexible and patient approach, was crucial in gaining the trust of TSS’s key stakeholders.

Implementation and Use

The implementation of GA4 and ensuring GDPR compliance was a critical focus of the project. Despite initial anxieties, PDD’s approach to the project was highly effective:

  • Communication: The project communication was exemplary, with regular updates via Slack channels and direct calls between developers. This open line of communication ensured that any issues were quickly addressed, and the TSS team felt fully supported and that their needs were understood and met.
  • Training and Support: PDD provided extensive training to the TSS development team, empowering them to create custom reports in GA4. This was essential in helping the team overcome their initial struggles and become proficient in the new system.
  • Flexibility and Patience: PDD demonstrated a high level of patience, especially in dealing with challenges the internal team at TSS were regularly facing. They were flexible with the project timeline, understanding the need to push back the launch date to ensure all stakeholders were on board.

Results and Impact

The results of the implementation were transformative for TSS:

  • Enhanced Decision-Making: With custom reports in GA4, TSS can now leverage insights to guide product developments and improve the customer experience. The reliable data has boosted the team’s confidence in their decision-making processes.
  • Compliance and Confidence: The CMP is now fully GDPR compliant, a significant relief for the company, which had previously been “burnt” by non-compliant systems. TSS can now confidently rely on accurate data, thanks to the successful GA4 integration.
  • Affiliate Tracking: The ability to track affiliate links accurately has been a game-changer, allowing TSS to monitor and optimise their affiliate marketing efforts effectively.

Client Experience

TSS’s overall experience with PDD has been overwhelmingly positive. They described the project as “invaluable,” acknowledging that the investment in analytics was crucial for their business. PDD’s understanding of the unique dynamics within TSS and their ability to navigate these complexities was highly appreciated.

Future Plans

TSS envisions a long-term partnership with PDD, especially as they continue to evolve and adapt to the fast-paced e-commerce landscape. They are interested in exploring additional services, such as annual analytics “MOT checks” and recurring consultations, to ensure their systems remain up-to-date and compliant.

Testimonials and Recommendations

TSS would highly recommend PDD to other businesses, particularly smaller companies that need to be mindful of their budgets. They appreciated PDD’s project-based approach, which allowed them to manage costs effectively while still receiving top-tier service.


“We had the pleasure of working with PolkaDot on our transition from Universal Analytics to Google Analytics 4 (GA4), and I cannot recommend them highly enough. From the outset, their team demonstrated an exceptional understanding of our business needs and model, which was critical in mapping out and transforming our existing Universal Analytics events into GA4 events.

The entire process, which initially seemed daunting and filled with potential challenges, was made smooth and manageable thanks to their expert guidance. PolkaDot not only configured GA4 to align perfectly with our business goals but also went above and beyond by training our development team on implementing the necessary tracking. Their thorough training sessions empowered our product and marketing teams to create custom reports, ensuring that we could fully leverage GA4’s capabilities to gain valuable insights.

What truly stood out was their commitment to ensuring our success. They were incredibly patient and understanding as we conducted our own internal testing, providing support at every step of the way.

Their expertise extended beyond GA4 as they assisted us with the configuration of our Consent Management Platform (CMP). The results speak for themselves—after launch, we achieved an impressive 90% opt-in rate, which is a testament to their effective implementation and strategic guidance.

PolkaDot transformed what could have been a highly stressful and anxiety-inducing experience into one of smooth sailing and success. I highly recommend them to any company looking for a partner who not only delivers excellent results but also provides outstanding support throughout the entire process.”



The GA4 implementation with PDD has been a critical success for The Sole Supplier, addressing their most pressing challenges and setting them up for future growth. With GDPR compliance secured and GA4 fully integrated, TSS can now rely on accurate, actionable data to drive their business forward.