Analytics Case Study –

                           The Folio Society

                                                         The Objective: To get their new website up to speed
                                                                                      with analytics

                                                                  Industry: Retail – Luxury illustrated books


The Challenge

The Folio Society were about to upgrade to a new CMS but needed to ensure their new website would still be able to track website activity and sales properly with Google Analytics. Once there, they wanted to take it further and get the most from their data:


·         Analytics build in Magento

·         Upgrade from ecommerce to Enhanced Ecommerce in Google Tag Manager

·         Additional event tracking to understand user behaviour and experience

·         New custom dimensions to help understand user engagement

·         Ongoing insights, analysis and recommendations to help improve ROI

·         Additional tracking functionality in GTM for new marketing platforms

·         Basic and Advanced Google Analytics training, bespoke in house


The Solution

Audit & Tracking

After reviewing the set up and options available, we set up a new Enhanced Ecommerce implementation with Google Tag Manager and Anowave for Magento, resolving inaccuracies and the limitations of using standard ecommerce. One of the priorities was to ensure the global data could easily be reviewed by region and everything could accurately be reported at a global level. We worked to ensure the shopping journey and checkout steps were tracked properly and could be analysed in depth using the new Enhanced Ecommerce functionality.

Education & Additional Tracking

To help them get the most from this new exciting data, we then trained the marketing team up so they knew where to look for the best insights and how to spot if anything wasn’t going right. This led to the discovery of more data points that would be beneficial, so event tracking and custom dimensions were added to give even more depth and insights to the data. For Folio, the additional understanding of what their customers were trying to achieve and how new customers used the site differently to returning customers was a real revelation.

Insights & Reports

Being a small and busy marketing team who have a lot of different tasks to juggle between them, we then became their monthly insights and analysis support. To do this we dug into their data each month and provided a summary of the KPIs and deeper insights into areas that needed work or had done particularly well.

Long Term Confidence

Over time their experience has increased and we now check in quarterly to ensure they’re up to speed on everything in their GA account. We also dip in and out to add additional tracking for other marketing platforms to GTM and give advice or troubleshooting support.

The Outcome

It has been a wonderful experience to work with Folio over the last few years and we also adore their products! They have also enjoyed working with us and seen the results off the back of everything we have worked together on:

“Things are going really well at the moment for Folio.  All the work we put into setting up the new site properly with you guys and our SEO has really paid off.”

Vicki Traino, Head of PR and Digital